Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our little fishy

Hannah has now taken two swim lessons with Coach Rebecca.  The first one was in the afternoon, so Jason and I were both able to attend.  We watched as our poor baby screamed, floated, kicked, and got dunked (this was painful).  By the end of the first lesson she was able to pull herself up on the side of the pool and turn around to sit on her behind.  All of this, of course, is caught on video, on my camera that does not speak to my computer.

For the second lesson I was trying to be sneaky.  It was scheduled for 1pm, so Coach Rebecca was just going  to pick Hannah up from her classroom and take her over to the pool.  I was supposed to be sitting in the background, watching from a distance.  But when 1:15 rolled around and there was no Hannah/Coach Rebecca, so I had to go down to Hannah's classroom to get her and page Coach Rebecca.  As soon as we walked int
o the pool area Hannah started crying... she knew what was coming.  I sat on the si
de as Hannah floated back and forth down the pool.  She SCREAMED the whole time I was there, but turned her head and waved when she passed by me, all the while still screaming!  Here are some pictures from her second lesson.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thats amazing that they can teach such a little child how to swim! You must have been scared to death the first time she got in without floaties!! Can't wait to see her in the pool this summer at Needle Rush!