Sunday, April 27, 2008

12 weeks old

That's right, Hannah is 12 weeks! Time is really flying by and she is getting so big! For the past two weeks she has been spending her days with her GG (Suzan), since I returned to work. She has really developed and is now smiling and laughing a lot. This week she learned to play with a rattle, and really got a kick out of the noises she was making. She is starting to raise her head while she's on her back, so our new fun game is to help her pull herself upright. She just laughs! We are having fun dressing her, too, now that more of her clothes fit. It is crazy how quickly she is growing. Some of her outfits that were too big last week fit her this week! Today we are going to run some errands, so we put her in this cute bubble. It may be hard to see it through the car seat, but I didn't want to wake her. She looks like a little doll!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Michelle, Hannah is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to meet her sometime when you are in Mobile. Have fun being a Mommy!