that my blog is really not that great! I spent an hour this morning looking at other blogs, and was blown away. Now granted, I'm not a stay at home mom, or SAHM as some bloggers refer to themselves, but the amount of time and creativity put into some of these pages is unbelievable. There are custom designs, family logos, signatures and the like. Not only are their pages more creative than mine, but the blog postings are so much more interesting to read. Is this because we naturally think everyone else's life is more interesting than our own, or am I just a really bad writer? I think that there is a fine line when it comes to blogging. You can easily share too much information, and who wants the intimate details of their lives posted on the internet for all the world to see? And how appropriate is that anyway? I guess the beauty of this blogging is that you are in control of what, and how much, is shared with the rest of humanity. So, I'm going to try to do better at sharing, and try to make my postings more entertaining! I know most of you don't even read the text and just want to see the pictures of Hannah. For those of you who do take the time to read, I hope that my new found efforts will give you a glimpse into the daily happenings of the Touchtons!
Here goes:
Some funny/cute/sweet things that Hannah is doing these days:
1. "swimming," no not in the pool, but on the bed! She is trying really hard to crawl, but she has quite figured out that she has to pick herself up on her knees. So, she lays on her tummy and moves her arms and legs. Or, she just pulls herself towards whatever she is trying to get by grabbing a handful of sheets. We haven't tried this on the floor yet.
2. "talking," in her own language. She talks to the tv, to Dooley, to herself in the mirror... pretty much to anything/anyone who will listen. Her language mostly consists of "da," "gi," "ga," and that funny noise you make when you blow air through your closed lips. (picture drool or dinner flying across the room)
3. holds her own bottle- she's been doing this for a few weeks now, but she is getting better every day. Of course, we do still have to support it, but she will hold onto to it with one or both hands. She also pulls the bottle out when she needs a break.
4. playing with the dogs. Hannah LOVES Dooley (who doesn't?). She laughs at both dogs, but she loves to pet Dooley. Sometimes she pets softly, but most of the time she grabs a handful of fur or ear, and pulls. Dooley is growing more patient, and has yet to snap at her, but you can tell he would much rather be left alone. Poor Rupert would love for Hannah to pet him, but I won't really let him near her. He is much sweeter and gentler than Dooley, so why don't I want him near her? HE STINKS!!! And, he licks her face, which Dooley does too, but Rupert kisses are much grosser than Dooley kisses.
5. trying to sit up. She hasn't quite mastered this yet, but she sure is trying hard. If you sit her up she will stay for about 15 seconds before she either falls forward or to one side. Again, we have not tried this on the floor, yet. The bed seems to be the safest place to try all things baby. I'm not ready for sweeping the floor everyday (sorry Momma), or any trips to the emergency room.
6. She is a tee tee monster. She pees constantly. As soon as you change her diaper she pees again. Often times she will pee while you are changing her diaper (I thought this was just a boy thing). We have started a new trick at bathtime to avoid getting baby tee tee in the clean bathwater. We fill her baby tub inside the big tub with warm water. Before sitting her in the tub we stick her foot in the warm water with her body hanging over the side of the baby tub. That way she tee tees into the big tub, rather than into her clean water. If I didn't learn anything in middle school I went to enough slumber parties to learn that dipping a hand or foot into warm water usually lead to urination. I know, gross, but at least I'm bathing my baby in clean water.
A few things that I love about Hannah:
1. When you feed her a bottle she wraps her arm around you and tickles your side.
2. When she wakes up in the morning or from a nap she smiles when she sees you like you have rescued her from her crib.
3. Hannah is 9.5 times out of 10 friendly to strangers. She will almost always smile, but the cutest is when she gets bashful and smiles, but then hides her face.
Ok, so enough for now, or I won't have anything to write in my next very interesting blog post.